
Green Awesome on the Inside Watch Band Cheap

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Green Awesome on the Inside Watch Band

This one is for those of us who have a hard time opening up – the ones with awesome stories to tell who might not yet have the courage to speak. I know it’s hard to feel like you fit in sometimes – you find yourself questioning if anyone even notices you’re here. 

But I do – and I couldn’t be happier to share this moment in time with you. Right here, right now. 

ZOX has become a way for me to speak without opening my mouth – a way to say the words I find myself losing when I try to tell myself things will be alright. This one, in particular, is the reminder I needed – the one that helps me remember that before I can focus on how other people perceive me, I have to look at how I perceive myself. The way we look, the things we own, the titles we hold – none of that matters compared to what we have inside – the kind soul just waiting to connect with others on a deeper level. 

Most of you remember the very first ZOX I made by hand – it was all black on one side with painted stripes of neon green on the other. This ZOX was inspired by that – the idea that we don’t have to be loud to be amazing – it’s what’s on the inside that matters most. 

My hope for all of you – especially those of you who are shy or anxious around others, is that this reminds you that it’s ok to be yourself. Don’t ever feel pressured to fit in – a genuine soul with a kind heart will make lifelong friends wherever they go. 

Love you guys.

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Apple Watch 38/40/41mm, Apple Watch 42/44/45mm & Ultra, Android 20mm Connector, Android 22mm Connector

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